Sharing Documents Externally (Outside of Operance)

In this article, we are going to show you how to share manuals and documentation externally outside of Operance. Please follow the steps listed below.

Problem Description:

You would like to share an O&M manual with someone outside of the Operance platform so that they can view the information.


Did you know?

You can share information by email or by copying the link. Have a look through our guide below. 



Animated Guide:

An animated guide is available below to help you visualise completing this action on our platform. If you prefer manual written steps, please use the steps below the animated video guide. 



Manual Steps:

  1. Click on the project that you would like to use.
  2. Click on the manuals tab and the manual you would like to share. Click on the share button which is located in the top right-hand corner of the document.
  3. Type in the email address of the recipient.
  4. Click the send button.

TIP: You can also share documents by copying the link below the email address field.


Would you like further assistance?

If you have any questions or need help, please use the chatbot inside the platform or contact your account manager; we will be happy to help.