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  3. 👁️ Using Goldenai (AI Assistant)

How To Use Goldenai

In this article, we are going to show you how to use Goldenai from within the Operance platform. Please read our separate article if you need to know how to access this feature.


You have managed to access Goldenai and need to know how to use the chat agent.  


Did you know?

Our Goldenai is state-of-the-art AI that uses large language models and available information to provide a humane, adaptive experience. Give it a go!



Animated Guide:

An animated guide is available below to help you visualise completing this action on our platform. If you prefer manual written steps, please use the steps below the animated video guide. 



Manual Steps:

Navigate to the settings tab.

  1. Access Goldenai from the Labs option in the left hand side navigation bar.

  2. Select a site from the dropdown box at the top of the chat window. 

  3. Select a building, or leave the option set as all buildings.

  4. Type out the question you have in the available field. 
  5. Once you're happy, select the send button and the bot will generate a response. 

Would you like further assistance?

If you have any questions or need help, please use the chatbot inside the platform or contact your account manager; we will be happy to help.