How To Upload a Model

In this article, we are going to show you how to upload a model to a project on Operance. Please follow the steps listed below.

Problem Description:

You have successfully registered your Operance account, and would like to upload your first model to a project. You have either created this project yourself or have 'write' access to someone else's project.


Did you know?

We use artificial intelligence that understands COBie data formats to automatically parse through files and upload information, such as property sets, to Operance. 




Animated Guide:

An animated guide is available below to help you visualise completing this action on our platform. If you prefer manual written steps, please use the steps below the animated video guide. 



Manual Steps:

  1. Click on the relevant project.
  2. Navigate to the 'Models' tab.
  3. Click on add model(s) button.
  4. Confirm your model type.
  5. Type out your project name into the available field.
  6. Click on 'Browse Files' or drag and drop the file you would like to upload.
  7. Once selected, press the 'Upload' button.
  8. The model should upload and then queue for analysis.
  9. Once analysis has completed, your model has finished uploading. You can now access it from the 'Data' tab.


It can take up to 30 minutes for a model to complete analysis depending on the file size.

Would you like further assistance?

If you have any questions or need help, please use the chatbot inside the platform or contact your account manager; we will be happy to help.